Fuji X100T

I am often asked how i achieve this rich deep black and white but warm look in my black and white images. This is very easy to do if you are a Adobe Lightroom user. I always shoot RAW but this technique works equally as well with JPEG’s straight from camera.  

Black and white photograpy offers a endless potential for creative photography, really teaching you to make the most of the available light. And to processing the image for impact and emotion.

Lightroom Settings:

For a rich and deep black and white image edit in Adobe lightroom . Start by processing your RAW image as normal or use a jpeg straight from camera. For the above image my settings are as follows.

Then within develop settings navigate down to Split Toning

  • Split Toning
  • Set Highlights
  • Hue 28
  • Sat 6
  • Set Shadows
  • Hue 30
  • Sat 4
  • Balance -60


Canon 70D 50mm 1.8

  • Settings for above image
  • Split Toning
  • Set Highlights
  • Hue 30
  • Sat 5
  • Set Shadows
  • Hue 25
  • Sat 10
  • Balance -40


Fuji X100T

  • Settings for above image
  • Split Toning
  • Set Highlights
  • Hue 28
  • Sat 3
  • Set Shadows
  • Hue 25
  • Sat 8
  • Balance -40

This technique works especially well with portraits and images of people. Wedding photography for example this method really brings out the detail and texture in the wedding dress while giving a very naturally enhanced look to skin and tone.   

Why not try pushing the Hue sliders across to the blue end of the spectrum to give a cooler look to your images just remember to be gentle with the saturation sliders.